Catching My Breath

So, like many people I didn’t quite expect Roy to post such a downer post. Talking about leaving the Tavern and maybe closing shop. And now I feel a bit guilty about writing what I’m about to write, but . . . I will be taking a shortish break from writing here at the Tavern.

A month at least (after the USA tour), maybe two (until the March friendly). I haven’t completely decided yet. I probably won’t stop posting completely, knowing myself. Some big transfer will (hopefully) come in, or something will happen in a match, and I may just need to put in my two cents. But certainly my posts will be few and far between.

The reason? As the title says, to catch my breath. Looking at the post count, I’ve contributed half of the posts (180-355) here since the Tavern opened (and I wasn’t even here then). Looking at the dates, I’ve been almost posting once a day since the beginning of October. Granted some of those pieces were listings or puff/filler pieces, but still, they take time to do. I’m going back to the US next week to see family and friends, some of which I haven’t seen in well over a year. I’m also planning on really trying to restart (and maintain) my Busan IPark blog for the 2014 season. Finally, I will of course continue to brush up on my Korean skill (아직도 한국말을 잘 못해요 ㅠㅠ).

I too am very thankful for being able to write here and talk about something I love, Korean football, in English. I am thankful to Roy for giving me the chance to piggyback off his efforts to create a community for English-speaking Korean footy fans. I am thankful to Jinseok for helping me learn about players and areas of Korean football I previously had not known about. And of course, I am thankful to all of y’all who have taken the time to read and comment on my posts. As most of y’all know we don’t get paid here, so my paycheck consists of your pageviews (sorry that was cheesy). Anyway, this is getting a little too weepy. I’ll be back in a while, refreshed and better than ever. Here’s to a great 2014 for Korean football!

여러분 감사드립니다!

One more thing

Oh yes, usually I cover/write about national team matches. I will not (or at least am not planning on) write anything for the USA tour matches. I don’t know if Roy or Jinseok were planning on writing something, I suspect one will do something, but both will be heading back to school I suspect around that time. So, I will open it y’all. We have some very knowledgeable readers here, and it seems like a good time to let others get involved. If you would like to contribute anything to the Tavern about the US tour, please do! This can be:

  • Match previews
  • Match reports
  • Analysis
  • Personal stories
  • Pictures

If interested, send me an email at Let me know what you want to write about, and I’ll let you know the details.

About Jae Chee 342 Articles
A football fan who got bit by the writing bug.


  1. Oh shoot – I didn’t want to crash the party – I didn’t want to sound downer and all! Nevertheless, I totally understand you need a break – and man you deserve a great relaxing vacation with the quality and quantity of work you’ve done at the Tavern all this time. I can not thank you enough. A HUGE round of appreciation to you Jae! Happy new year to you and your family!! Best thing I ever done, get you here at the Tavern, without a doubt. Soju on the house tonight.

    • I second this, I’ve been waking up everyday at 8 in the morning and the first I do everyday is visit the Tavern. Somehow though, I feel that this is the beginning of something great.

  2. But come back soon from vacation, or the Tavern accountant will have to garnish your wages…(what? he gets paid what?!) Just kidding. seriously, I’m looking forward to reading and following IPark Busan’s exploits on yr blog. Tavern goers – follow this man and his blog: you will not regret it.

    • Just FYI for those that are interested in following the Busan blog, the website address will be different. I’ll send it to Roy to add to the blogroll on the sidebar or post it when the site goes up. It’s on WordPress as there are a couple other side projects I’m attempting as well.

  3. I don’t want to sound… what’s word here… disappointed? Can’t find the right word for it, but I know that the writers deserve a break and I really appreciate the outstanding work they’ve done but….


    That’s how much your writing means to me! ㅠㅠ

    No but honestly, thanks for the never-ending posts and enjoy your rest!

    A Tavern of the Taeguk Warriors Fan (I read every post as soon as I get it – all hail the RSS feed)

  4. I found this blog/website a couple months ago and I am glad I did. It’s been informative. But more than that it’s cool that their is a place for Korea Republic fans to come together and just talk about soccer/football.

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