Official: Hong Myeong-Bo is the New Coach

The KFA has made it official. Hong Myeong-Bo has agreed to take up the senior coaching job following the end of Choi Kang-Hee’s tenure.

Hong has been given a 2 year contract set to cover the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, and the 2015 Asian Cup in Australia. His first tournament will be the East Asian Cup scheduled for next month in Korea.

More on Hong Myeong-Bo’s appointment later.

About Jae Chee 342 Articles
A football fan who got bit by the writing bug.


  1. Yeah budddyyyyyyy
    Best possible choice, I guess its a bit of a risk for his hero status but then again, he has inherited a team in shambles BUT he has a good and disciplined playing style. Pretty excited to wait and see if Korea gets back on track.
    I mean, Cha Bum-Kun had two unsuccessful stints as coach, even if they werent horrible, and everyone still loves him.

    • That’s the hope really – HMB being able to pull this team together in a short span of time. If not -will the public or the KFA have the mindset and rationale to invest / continue with a long term vision in HMB or go for a knee jerk reaction and scapegoat HMB in that latter scenario? Pressure is on for him – but if I was a betting man – I do believe HMB has the right stuff to pull this off.

    • Yeah, I’m not too worried about his reputation. I think most fans will like him even if his tenure isn’t considered a success. You mentioned Cha Bum-Kun, and even to a lesser extent you could look at Park Ji-Sung. Had a terrible season with QPR, but he’s still one of the most popular athletes in Korea. Anyway, it’s hard to imagine the team playing worse under Hong than it did under Choi.

      • Its just the first time the korean public hasn’t really been confident in a long time so we need to start picking things up again. Also, whats the deal with all the youth korean players in Europe being unable to play? Do you guys know anything about that?

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