Tavern Mailbag (February Edition)

Like any good tavern, Tavern of the Taeguk Warriors employs a few good-hearted, and somewhat knowledgeable, men. It’s been a long while since we’ve had a mailbag, and quite a lot has happened since the last one. Remember, the premise is simple. Got a question? Ask in the comments section below, and the Tavern staff will try to answer it.

Your question can be in regards to basically anything. South Korea, Korean football, the K League, football in general, whatever you want to ask (but keep it clean please).

Questions will be accepted for a week or so, and then answers to questions will be posted later.

Cool? Any questions or comments about the mailbag idea can be . . . you guessed it, left in the comments.


About Jae Chee 342 Articles
A football fan who got bit by the writing bug.


  1. Would Yoo Byung Soo and Suk Hyun Jun be good strikers since they have a little bit of European experience? We obviously have striker problems so why aren’t they called up for once? Suk hyun jun did good in ajax preseason friendlies and than went to another club for play time. Yoo is obviously getting garbage minutes but he does score some good finish goals. Would they be the answer to Korea’s striker problem?

  2. Hey are there any thoughts to adding a page (so you don’t need to set up a whole forum) where members can introduce themselves and just leave it as a comment? The link can be right next to site guidelines or something. Lot of cool people here and from all around the world, so it seems like it would be nice to get to know each other just a little.

  3. I remember during the last World Cup British commentators were saying how amazing it was that even though Asian teams use domestic coaches they can still match it with the best of the world(maybe not so much anymore excluding japan).
    So my question is; do you think Korean coaches have what it takes to make it overseas, assuming language isn’t a barrier…?? Mind you, K-League clubs always punch above their weight when it comes to the ACL considering we have the least funding

    • Maybe if more coaches like Hong Myung Bo, Hwang Sun-Hong, and Huh Jung Moo (who are OR used to be successful and good coaches) appear more. Possibly Cho Kwang Rae. But coaches like Choi Kang Hee don’t fit into the picture.

        • I think it has to do with the nature of the people. Most, at least on English-boards, know him only from his NT time and not his Jeonbuk time. In the K League Choi is one of the best. Jeonbuk is the power it is largely because of him. Even last season, Jeonbuk really struggled under Fabio, but once Choi came back they rebounded and finished well. I’ve said this before, but it bares repeating. There’s a reason why he refused the KFA the first time, a reason why he signed a contract only through qualification, and a reason why he said he wouldn’t stay through the World Cup. Choi knows he’s not up to international standards. He’s said it himself. But it’s easy to criticize him (with reason) because the NT was so bad under him. The NT is in the shape it’s in largely because of KFA and their short-sightedness, full stop (IMO).

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  2. Weekend Roundup Feb 21-22 | Tavern of the Taeguk WarriorsTavern of the Taeguk Warriors

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